
Jewish Center of Ulyanovsk

This years event was dedicated to the 10 years since the arrival of our dear Rabbi his family.

The event began with a group of volunteers, including the Rabbi’s children making the blessing on the Lulov with the 250 guest who were just arriving and soon to be taking their seats.

Afterwards the large crowd was seated in the large Sukkah for a grand banquet with live music.

The M.C explained to all the reason we celebrate the holiday of Sukkot, followed by the crowd making the blessing on the Sukkah.

In honor or his 10 years since his arrival to be our Rabbi, Rabbi Yossi Marozov to dedicate part of the ceremony with honoring those who helped him the most, especially the board of trustees, which was established exactly 8 years ago.

Each board member was represented with a beautiful plaque and a personal leather prayer book with his name engraved on the cover.

The eveing continued with live music, dancing, singers, and lots of hot food.

As the evening arrived some went home, but many stayed on for our next holiday: Simchat Torah!

We held the first night of Hakafot, dancing 7 times with the Torah.

As the men were dancing, the woman learned various songs, dances and lit the holiday candles.

A free bar with various drinks was operating throughout the Hakafot ceremony. The dancing ended with a festive meal hosting Uzbek barbecue’d pilof.

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