Thanks to our donors and Rabbi Yossi Marozov a group of Students who take part if STARS chapter in of Ulyanovsk (United Students Torah educational groups throughout Russia) traveled for a Shabbaton in Moscow. Also joining was a group of students from STARS chapter of the city Lipetsk.
The Goal of the Shabbaton was to show the students and teach them of true Jewish life
A very rich program was awaiting the participants: visit the Great Choral synagogue and the Moscow Jewish Community center located in the Marina Rosche neighborhood. Tours at the Jewish museum of tolerance and the Tretyakov Gallery.
We prayed Kabbalat Shabbat in the synagogue with Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, the Synogogue was packed as usual with hundreds of people, followed by a Shabbat evening program with Moscow youth club «JEWELL».
On Saturday we were in for a lesson about the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Levi Drutz. Meal in the family of our dear sponsor Efreim Binyaminov, joined by Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, which took place in a very warm family atmosphere and very informative conversation. A few girls took upon themselves to take a Jewish name!
After Havdala, another meeting took place with Rabbi Berel Lazar, whom he personally handed each of us a wonderful book “The essence of the Jewish holidays.” followed by an evening with the Moscow youth club “Jewell”.
The students say: We learned a lot, get answers to our questions for a long time, made new friends and were able to assess the Jewish cuisine in the best kosher restaurants in Moscow. Time passed quickly, and we went home, but we are confident that this trip to Moscow will always be remembered.