
Jewish Center of Ulyanovsk

30 people participated in the Torathon which started at 6:00 pm and ended at 6:00 am the next morning! A professional lecturer from Moscow came to Ulyanovsk especially for Shavuos and our fourth annual Torathon!  The participants were very inspired by the Torah learning, that they wanted to learn more. The lecturer stayed for a few more days, during which he had many one-on-one learning sessions. 
The Idea of this Torahthon has began a number of years ago to encourage Jews in Ulyanovsk to dwell on Torah learning, it’s done every year on the eve of the holiday of Shavuot, the day the Jews received the Torah on Har Sinai 3325 years ago! 

There is a tradition to stay up the night beforehand and learn Torah all night! that is exactly what we do in Ulyanovsk at our annual Torahthon. 
This year we had over 100 people at our Shavuot event, which included the reading of the 10 commandments, a class on the 7 law’s of Noah, and a grand dairy Italian Buffet. 

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