Over 100 children in Ulyanovsk received packages of kosher hotdogs as a pre-Purim treat. The children are from extremely low income families, single-parent homes, or are disabled.
The hotdogs, a delicacy in the FSU, were donated by the Fellowship Foundation, also known as the IFCJ. They were distributed through the Jewish Center of Ulyanovsk, whose staff took the opportunity to let the children and their parents know about the various special holiday and regular programs that the JCC is currently running.
This is not the first time the Fellowship Foundation has helped the needy in Ulyanovsk. This past summer, for instance, 100 children received much needed clothing. The Fellowship Foundation has notified the JCC that next month they will arrange for 100 poor and needy children to receive new shoes. The parents and children expressed their deepest gratitude to the Ulyanovsk JCC and the Fellowship Foundation.