
Jewish Center of Ulyanovsk

For the first time, a new and personal calendar was printed for the benefit of the Jewish community of Ulyanovsk! This magnificent calendar is special for many reasons. For starters, it will have the halachik times for Ulyanovsk, secondly, it will have information on the times of davening, classes, and programs within the community. The calendar was beautified with pictures of events and happenings from within the community. Every month is dedicated to another project; starting from programs for little kids, then for older kids, then youth, and then getting to older ages like chupa, ladies club, adult education etc. The calendar is a very big hit in the community as it is the first time people have ever seen anything like this. Many are amazed to see themselves in this rich looking calendar!

We really hope that this new calendar will be a big encouragement for the local Jews to begin coming to our center, lighting shabbos candles etc.

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